Raj Guttha, is currently working as Manager, Enterprise Risk Management and Economic Capital Modeling at A.M.Best Company. His responsibilities include Enterprise Risk Management and Economic Capital Model criteria and methodology development. His duties also include evaluating ERM and ECM models of companies for rating purposes and helping the analysts understand theoretical and analytical aspects of Risk Management and Economic Capital Models.
Prior to working at A.M. Best, Raj worked as president of Samitra Enterprises Inc, which is a management and consulting company with off shore financial software development offices. He trained and placed several software engineers in various companies. Developed several wealth management, risk management and equity and fixed income modeling software products.
Raj is a certified Project Management professional, certified Business Analyst, Certified Risk Analyst and Subject Matter Expert in finance and Insurance. He trained and placed several software engineers through his company at several major Banks, Insurance companies and Pharmaceutical companies.
He also worked as Associate Professor of Finance at Bloomsburg University of PA., and Cheyney University of PA and taught several Business, Finance and Banking courses for a number of years. He also taught risk management and project management at Kaizen technologies, New Jersey.
Raj did his graduate studies at Temple and Lehigh universities in PA, majoring in Econometrics and Finance and undergraduate studies in Economics and Mathematics from Nagajuna University, India. Raj has a Ph.D in Economics and Masters in Finance and Econometrics.
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